Pierre-Auguste Cot
Pierre-Auguste Cot
oil on canvas
While at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I searched again for my favorite painting of all time! I can't seem to get enough of it.
It all began, when I was at college. I took an Art History course and was stuck in awe on this particular painting as the professor put it up on the 'overhead projector' I stared at it in awe. I believe we spoke about the glimmers of light that peaked through the painting, the sheerness of her dress and the hesitation, vulnerability and the protection each granted one another.
It amazes me the parallels of this image. I presented it to my husband on our first anniversary because while on our honeymoon, the jeep we rented did not have a roof and of course, it rained. We laughed as we took whatever towels we had and Tom tried to keep me dry as he drove.
Years, children and lots of love later, the image seemed to take on a new meaning - as the storm of cancer made its way through our lives - sure, there were glimmers of light, sheer rays of hope and never a hesitation but always a state of feeling vulnerable, yet, there was constant protection for one another.
As the days got shorter, and a new light would beckon for Tom soon, I was drawn to our skylight in my room as the sun beamed down and made us wince. Again, protection was granted as my good friend ~E ~ created a shade that would shield us as it did in the painting.
When the day came, It was natural to drape him properly. His essence was there and now as I look at that painting, I see that he was saying with his eyes, "It's going to be okay, let it go."
I am.