Double shadows follow and cause angst and anxiety because they are a combination of your true self and the self you think you should be.
I observed this recently while visiting someone in the hospital where fluorescent lights are the norm.
It is amazing how adults tend to talk more to each other in crisis situations, when they are afraid and when they are at their most pure state of self and own essence.
It left me wondering if they had talked all along and didn't let that double shadow follow them, if there would have been a crisis at all!?!?
I believe it to be true that the stresses of life, the imbalance of light and dark, continue to manifest and cause physical dis-ease daily.
Tending to the care of our existence, expressing our true feelings and letting our innate, natural light shine openly and freely, are all the elements needed to provide peace, grace and communion with others in a more positive, more active and more lovable way.
Agape xo